FINALLY. Some new running shoes. I owned one pair of tennis shoes and i got them Sophomore year of high school. I am now almost 22. My dad is awesome :) But just my luck, it rains all week.
Most people hate the rain, they say its depressing and dark. Well i say its everything but dark. Its new, it brings new life, cleans the soul. wow that was deep. when i saw the forecast for the week i got a big lump in my heart and was SO excited. its safe to say i have slept peacefully all week.
This man, bless his soul. i captured this in Houston traffic last night on my way to bingo. he was picking at his toes and driving at the same time. Spiffy.
oh the joys of bingo. theres nothing like a crowded room full of strangers and sweet old ladies walking around selling you bingo cards. my laughter was full last night.
every time someone would bingo, all 800 of us would just yell and scream. it was quiet the entertainment seeing as the air conditioner was broken and then the bathrooms broke. no one cared, we were having fun!
Well i leave Houston today to head back to the Piney Woods. My home. Ah i miss it.
read 2 Timothy.
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