Yet again, i have the most amazing people surrounding me during this bliss full time in my life!
A handful of girls got together and threw me a BEAUTIFUL/OVER THE TOP lingerie shower.
Sometimes i have a hard time accepting things from others, it makes me feel anxious like i don't deserve all the love. Im slowly learning to let others pour into me, without me feeling like i owe something back to them.
Im also learning how to find the joy in my life. For so long, i let the enemy and daily life burdens take over my mind and heart. I let the things of this world consume me and bring me down. I took it out on my family and i took it out on Colby.
After the shower Colby and i sat on the floor and he held me and reassured me that he is proud of me and the woman i am becoming.
[i used to be a ugly person on the inside]
in short, every day is a challenge for me. Every day i battle with God on doing what is holy to him and to not indulge in what this world is pushing on me & pushes on everyone.
Thankfully i have a GREAT support system and people around me who care and love me.
Bri made the beautiful cakes!
Amber and I
As soon as everyone walked in the door, they had to put on one of these rings.
Anyone who said they word "bride" or "wedding" had to give up their ring.
Whoever had the most rings at the end of the day won a prize! so fun!
Typical Bri & myself.
From left to right: Bri, Lara, Amber, me, Dez, Carly and Morgan
From left to right: Lara, Amber, me, Dez, Carly, Morgan and Michaela
These ladies rocked it and i couldn't have loved it more even in my wildest dreams!
I got some wicked awesome, sexy lingerie and i can't wait until the honeymoon!
Remember to love the little things in life. The little things are what gets us by.
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