Lately ive been struggling with balance. Balance between eating healthy, going to the gym the "appropriate" number of days a week, making sure my husband is fulfilled, trying to knock out my real estate classes and making sure I have quiet time with God everyday.
My mornings are usually spent debating over coffee: should I do my devotional or should I crank out some classes to get me closer to my work goal. (The faster I get my classes done, the faster I get promoted and moved to my new job)
So there is always something hanging over my head and always something to be done. Great. This is life. This is what it is to be 25 and alive. I wouldn't trade it for the world. But what I do need to do is put God before ALL of it.
It is so difficult mostly nowadays, to break free from technology, things of this world, social media. We are constantly consumed as a society to always be in the know and always be on top of everything. Better body, better paycheck, better life. And all it takes is one thing. Jesus Christ.
So I challenge you friends, to put down the phone, turn off the tv, stop killing yourself in the gym to look perfect and give it all to God. He wants to be #1 in our lives and it's for a reason. I can't tell you how many times I've let myself get distant and during those times, life seems much harder. God loves us, and wants pure joy for us. Slow down, and spend some personal alone time. When you're lined up with God, no one can throw you off the path.
I've got a long way to go on my walk to Heaven, and it's an every day battle. But I won't give up.
"Do not be excessively righteous and do not be overly wise. Why should you ruin yourself?"
Ecclesiastes 7:16
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