Saturday, April 30, 2016


Thursday back at work was hard. I still wasn't back to normal, and definitely not feeling up for being around people an having to communicate while my throat is sore. But on a positive note, i am not feeling almost almost almost 100%. Thank you Jesus.

No Breakfast
Lunch: Pulled Venison, two eggs over spinach and avocado.

Dinner: Ground turkey over zucchini noodles


Thursday, April 28, 2016


Wednesday. I stayed home from work. My whole body hurt. My ears were draining, face and nose congested, fever, chills. All of it.

I met Morgan to get my lunch and boy did she take care of me! Cooked a spicy stuffed pepper. Even though I couldn't taste a single thing, i tasted that. Colby took me to Panera to get some broth soup. I got the French Onion. Soup is made for the soul on sick days.
Confession: I ate bread. Yes. I was on the verge of nausea, passing out, feeling weak, and it was there, in my Panera bag that i cheated. I told Colby not to look. I immediately regretted it, but instantly felt better. Whole30 didn't account for sick days.

Dinner: After i slept most of the day, my beautiful, amazing, wonderful husband cooked me dinner, yet again this week. Turkey burger, with olive salad and red potatoes. I wish he would take over the cooking for us. He is like his dad in the kitchen. Culinary genius. Thank you doll.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016


My whole life I've struggled with terrible allergies/sinusitis/sinus infections.
Along the way, I've found certain things to help ease the pain. And today. I made a potion, a healing potion. That i just have to share with you. Its gold. Its the holy grail of healing teas.

What you'll need:

  • Ground Cinnamon, 1 Tablespoon
  • Cayenne Pepper, 1 Teaspoon
  • Ginger (I used paste, so about 1/2 tablespoon)
  • 2-3 syringe full, Oregeno Oil
  • Local Honey, 1 Tablespoon
  • Applecider Vinegar, 1/4 cup (must have the mother) >> CLICK HERE
  • Vitamin D, 1 capsule cut open

Mix all that in a coffee cup, pour hot water over, stir.

Each of these ingredients all have natural occurring remedies. Garlic would of been great to mix in too. Experiment with your own natural ingredients, i promise your body will thank you.

Looks disgusting, but tastes delicious.



Tuesday was bad. My sinus/allergies got the best of me. I ran a fever, and had absolutely no energy. Pain is all i felt, with no relief. So excuse the blog, if its a mess, and lacks energy this week.

No Breakfast.

Lunch by Morgan: Chicken Zucchini Avocado "Alfredo" This dish was delicious.

Dinner: Sweet Potato Hash with Elk Sausage and Eggs

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


Monday. Nothing good happens on a Monday. I got absolutely no sleep due to my allergies flaring up. No sleep. Tossed and turned. Face hurts, teeth hurt, jaw hurts, head hurts. Everything hurts. I almost went home from work.

In other news, I am starting to get the hang of this new change. Its becoming second nature to me. Its becoming my life. This week Morgan is making my lunches, and next week is my New Orleans trip for mine and Colbys 1 year anniversary/my cousins Bachelorette party.

Breakfast was the same. Banana smoothie.

Lunch was AMAZING. Morgans husband made a homemade Italian Dressing sauce. It was fab.

Dinner: Ground Chicken over diced sweet potato

Get outta here Monday, no one likes you! Hope you all have a blessed week, and i pray the allergies don't affect you like how they are me.

Monday, April 25, 2016


Sunday was a mess. I woke up with terrible terrible terrible allergies. Im lucky my nose hasn't full on bled this allergy season. Usually around this time i fall victim to sinusitis. You can read back on my wedding blog about how my nose was a bleeding funnel up to the day of my wedding.

Also, i had an accident. I blame it on watching too much Forensic Files/Criminal Minds. Saturday night, i was dreaming someone was in our room about to hit Colby with something. I opened my eyes, thought a person was really there, bolted out of the bed, fell on the floor, hit my knee at full speed, ran out and slammed the door. Once i made it to the kitchen i realized i was only dreaming. And then i realized my knee was throbbing.

Carpet burn. For the first time since i was a child. And it hurts. Bad.

We went to church with our friends Bri and Josh. Then we all grabbed lunch at Fresh.
Lunch: Turkey meatloaf, sweet potatoes and kale.

 To top it all off, my Kombucha fizzed out all over me and my purse at lunch.

Excuse the messy sink. But this is my life living with a genius nursing student. I love that my husband takes care of me like he does. He is brilliant and brave and always puts me first.
He has been doctoring me since we met. I sliced my big toe on barbed wire at our ranch and he had to carry me because it was gushing blood. Last week he had to take care of my sliced finger while i was chopping vegetables. And today, he takes care me when i freak out in the middle of the night.

Notice the evil bottle of peroxide.... i screamed like a little girl.

Dinner: Left over lunch.

So, my Sunday was eventful. How was yours?

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Saturday was a special day. I got so much conquered in one tiny little day. I woke up at 7:15 to study until 12pm. I am almost finished with my real estate courses guys.

This was my Saturday morning study spot. I could not complain.

 Late lunch: Left over banana pancakes with sweet potato hash and eggs.

 Saturday night was my mother in laws surprise birthday party. So we dolled up, and took the drive home. I miss the country so much sometimes. Makes me want to up and buy a farm and have goats.

 Happy Birthday momma Cathy! And no... I did not eat that delicious cake. I brought my nice cream.

Colbys mother is one of the most giving and kind hearted women i know! She deserves all the joy and love in the world. Thank you for raising such a wonderful man.

My Saturday was filled with lots of love, hugs, babies, study sessions, good food, good friends, and some peace and quiet. Just what i needed this weekend.


Its Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday. Fridays are my favorite days. They hold the key to the weekend. And this one was extra special because i was so over worked had so much on my to-do list that i had to take a half day at work. I love that my life is so busy/hectic. Gives me purpose. Gives me something to write about.

Breakfast: my typical banana smoothie, this time instead of Cacao powder, i found this gem at Fresh.

Lunch: Last nights dinner.

 Making banana pancakes, literally.

 Dinner: BANANA PANCAKES. My husband called me a monkey for eating so many bananas. But i just. can't. stop. All you need for this dish: 1-2 banana, superfood protein powder, 2 eggs, almond butter. Thats it. Easy as pie. Or in my case, pancakes.

Love my Fridays.

Friday, April 22, 2016


Morgan my sweet and crafty friend let me model some of her handmade jewelry she is selling to help the kids of Rehema Home in Africa. She will have them at the Diva Du Duathlon on April 30th. If you are in the Tyler area, stop by, or even, join the race! Click here for more details  >>>> Diva Du.

If you want to visit my Etsy page to purchase, click >>>> Jewels of Africa      



Day 15. HALF WAY THERE! I never thought i would get to the point where i don't crave sweets every moment of my life. Easy and health substitutions have saved my life during this challenge.
I am so proud of Morgan and I for making it half way and for sticking with this new lifestyle change.

Breakfast: Banana Smoothie

Lunch: Last nights dinner. Tilapia, red potatoes and brussel sprouts

Dinner: Made by my lovely husband. Turkey burgers with bacon, avocado, broccoli and sweet potato.

Huge shout out to my amazing husband who has supported me during this journey. Thank you my darling, i wouldn't be able to do any of it with out you.


Thursday, April 21, 2016


 Wednesdays Nutrition.

Breakfast: Banana Smoothie

Lunch: Last nights dinner. Turkey Meat Sloppy Joe

 Snack: Blackberry Chia Pudding

Dinner: Pistachio crusted Tilapia, red potatoes and roasted brussel sprouts.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Last week i talked about finding the balance. And this week i still am finding the balance. But i want to talk about communication. Something that i lack with God and my husband. And communication is EVERYTHING.

Before we were married people would tell us all the time that communication was the number one reason people fight, divorce, stray away from each other. Also how important it is for a relationship to thrive and grow. And i used to laugh. Until now.

How desperately important it is to say what is on our hearts and minds. And not just speak the words, but care enough to take the time to sit down and have a conversation with God and mean it. Or during a small tiff with your husband, or wife, to be able to communicate and listen to what the other person is saying.

Sometimes i think about how Jesus spoke mostly in parables. He communicated. In the most basic form. To try and get us to understand and see things from a different perspective. This week, and for always, i am focusing on my communication with God, Colby, and everyone. Knowing how to avoid an argument, or avoid confrontation at work is all apart of this beautiful life we live.

We all must remember how temporary this world is. Go out. See the world. Do new things. Communicate to the one you love. And always, put God first.


Know this my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;
James 1:19

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Ephesians 4:29

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14



Day 13 and i think I'm getting the hang of it. Down 4 pounds, probably just water weight, but ill take it.

Breakfast: Holy Grail Banana Smoothie

Lunch/Snack: What i had for dinner last night.

Dinner. Turkey Sloppy Joe over Zucchini Noodles. Such a great dish and easy to make!

Frustrations of the week: Not enough time for the gym, not enough time with the hubs, not enough time to study real estate. Why can't there be more hours in the day? Sigh. On a positive note, i have air in my lungs, a beating heart, a sexy husband who spoils me, a savior who loves me no matter what and a blog, that i love.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Sometimes I'm really into finding some good music. Here are a few songs/bands I'm proud to share with you.

Volcano Fire - Almanac

Memorecks - Bruce Wayne

Kaleo - Way Down We Go (LIVE in a volcano)

Ray Lamontagne - Hey, No Pressure

Chainsmokers - Roses

"Never take advantage of music, it only knows how to give"


 But first.....

 Breakfast: Banana Smoothie

 Lunch: Same thing i had for dinner last night. Coconut Curry Chicken! Yum!

 Snack: Kombucha, Passionberry Bliss

 Dinner: Heaven. Grilled chicken, over sweet potatoes, beets, artichokes and onions.

Monday was a good day. Cheers.

Monday, April 18, 2016


Sunday Funday. We slept in like a bunch of teenagers. I slept so much i had a headache. We both woke up sneezing from allergies, and from the lack of cleaning our ceiling fan. Gross.

Babe cooked me breakfast and make me coffee. 2 eggs and a cup of blackberries.

Snack: My all time favorite "nice cream". 2 frozen bananas, cacao powder, cacao nibs and almond butter all blended in a food processor.

 Dinner: Coconut Curry Chicken over Zucchini spaghetti

This coming week is my week to cook lunches for Morgan. I am so excited to be cooking for someone other than Colby and myself. And i actually saved money at the store cooking for 3 than i did cooking for 2. I am starting to shop smart and not just go up and down the isles and throw stuff in. When you are cooking for someone else, you have to plan, and you have to prep your meals in your head before. I encourage all of you to try, i promise you'll save money, and time.

Cheers to another week of WHOLE30! 

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Every year my brother hosts his annual King of the Sabine tournament. And every year its a blast. Our cousins and family all come out, stay out late, get up early, get dirty and catch fish. I couldn't of asked for a better Saturday. 

7am rise and shine for Colby and i. We made the 35 minute drive to Tatum, TX off HWY 43 boat ramp. It was 70 degrees and smelled of fish.

 My dad brought Leon, of course he had to be nosey and check everything out.

 As me, my little brother Nick, my older brother Cullen, Nicks friend Bryce and Colby all pilled into Cullens flat bottom, we held onto our hats and took off at high speed down the Sabine. This was our first catch on the lines they had set out the night before.

 Stunning views.

Colby checking the lines. It is a very meticulous routine to check fish lines. One person guides the boats, one pulls up the line, another has the bait ready, and me, i had the net ready and got a front row view of some of my favorite people do what they love.

Cullen, Fred.

 Weighing in some Big Blues. This one weighed in a 47 pounds.

Colby and i left the river around 11:30am and headed back to Tyler. We were exhausted. But the tournament kept on. I got this picture from my brothers this morning, a 64 pound OP! I am so proud of my brothers and love that they are hunters and fishermen. This weekend was just what i needed. And look at my baby brother, he is in his element. Love ya kid.

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